For the body



In the quiet and cosy surroundings of the Maison Tournesol massage parlour, you can enjoy a wonderful massage that will instantly relax and soothe you, or help tired muscles after a big trip or sporting activity. Let yourself be carried away by the zen and warm atmosphere and the calm music.

Back massage
(30 min.)

It focuses mainly on the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders. It is performed lying down on a massage table. The massage uses various techniques to release tension and relieve pain in the back muscles, using hands, fingers, forearms or elbows to apply pressure to specific points on the back or using long, quick strokes to relax and soothe the muscles.

Relaxation massage
(60 - 90 min.)

Enjoy a full-body relaxing massage from head to toe, performed on the back, legs, feet, neck, arms, abdomen, face and scalp. For a comprehensive way to establish instant well-being and relaxation. This massage provides deep relaxation while stimulating circulation and oxygenating the entire body.

Sports-relaxation massage
(60 - 90 min.)

This is a massage specially designed to help you take full advantage of the magic of massage. The masseur will apply a series of gentle pressures to the entire body with special emphasis on the back and legs. The masseur will answer all your questions
and adjust the intensity of the massage to your feelings and needs.

masseur Stepan

Štěpán is a masseur with 16 years of experience. In 2007, he received a certificate to practice as a massage therapist for sports and reconditioning massages at the Centre for Regenerative Education in Prague and in 2022 he received a certificate to practice relaxation massages at the Centre for Training Wellness Technicians in Asson, France.

Price list

Masáže Doba Cena
Masáž zad 30 min. 40 €
Relaxační masáž 60 min. 70 €
Sportovně-relaxační masáž 60 min. 70 €
Relaxační masáž 90 min. 90 €
Sportovně-relaxační masáž 90 min 90 €

Contraindications for massage: fever, infections, wounds or skin problems and heart problems.


Take advantage of the tranquility of Maison Tournesol to reconnect with your inner self, take a moment to enjoy a Pilates or yoga class in the middle of nature, weather permitting, or in a dedicated room. A moment of rest, relaxation, meditation or sport can be arranged with our super therapist Nina or yogi Nicola. We cater for all levels from complete beginners to advanced. If you want to share your time with your family, classes with children are also available. French or English is required for Pilates classes, English or French is required for yoga classes.

price list

Kurzy Doba Cena Další osoba
Individuální lekce Pilates 60 min. 45 € 15 €
Individuální lekce jógy 60 min. 45 € 15 €
Individuální lekce cross-training 60 min. 45 € 15 €
Individuální lekce posilování 60 min. 45 € 15 €


+33 609 538 502

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